Passeios ao pôr do sol pelo Bósforo

Diversas rotas
Diversas rotas
Partidas frequentes
Partidas frequentes
Vistas panorâmicas
Vistas panorâmicas

Kuleli Military High School seen from a Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul.
Couple enjoying a scenic Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul with city skyline in the background.
Rumeli Hisar fortress overlooking the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul skyline with audio guide.
Woman using earphones to listen to an audio guide on a ship tour.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship with tourists, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Kuleli Military High School seen from a Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul.
Couple enjoying a scenic Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul with city skyline in the background.
Rumeli Hisar fortress overlooking the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul skyline with audio guide.
Woman using earphones to listen to an audio guide on a ship tour.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship with tourists, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Kuleli Military High School seen from a Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul.
Couple enjoying a scenic Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul with city skyline in the background.
Rumeli Hisar fortress overlooking the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul skyline with audio guide.
Woman using earphones to listen to an audio guide on a ship tour.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship with tourists, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
Bosphorus cruise ship sailing past Istanbul's historic skyline with audio guide.
4.2(1 098)

Cruzeiro turístico pelo Bósforo de Istambul com audioguia opcional

a partir de
€ 9,50
Ingressos eletrônicos
1 h 30 min.

Explore o Estreito de Bósforo de Istambul em um cruzeiro, mergulhando em sua história, cultura, pontos de referência e paisagem à beira-mar com acesso sem fila e uma audioguia informativa.

  • Participe de um cruzeiro de 90 minutos no Estreito de Bósforo e navegue entre a Europa e a Ásia, maravilhando-se com o horizonte de Istambul e sua posição única em dois continentes.
  • Veja marcos históricos como a Torre de Gálata, o Palácio de Dolmabahce e o Palácio de Topkapi, que refletem a rica herança otomana de Istambul.
  • Admire as maravilhas da arquitetura moderna, como a Ponte do Bósforo e as luxuosas vilas à beira-mar que mostram o charme contemporâneo de Istambul.
  • Opte por uma audioguia opcional, disponível em 10 idiomas, para enriquecer sua viagem com histórias intrigantes e percepções arquitetônicas da cidade.
  • Evite a fila da bilheteria no píer e encontre um oficial da marinha, que ajudará você a embarcar, fornecerá um mapa do Bósforo e ajudará a baixar o audioguia.

Explore o Estreito de Bósforo de Istambul em um cruzeiro, mergulhando em sua história, cultura, pontos de referência e paisagem à beira-mar com acesso sem fila e uma audioguia informativa.

  • Participe de um cruzeiro de 90 minutos no Estreito de Bósforo e navegue entre a Europa e a Ásia, maravilhando-se com o horizonte de Istambul e sua posição única em dois continentes.
  • Veja marcos históricos como a Torre de Gálata, o Palácio de Dolmabahce e o Palácio de Topkapi, que refletem a rica herança otomana de Istambul.
  • Admire as maravilhas da arquitetura moderna, como a Ponte do Bósforo e as luxuosas vilas à beira-mar que mostram o charme contemporâneo de Istambul.
  • Opte por uma audioguia opcional, disponível em 10 idiomas, para enriquecer sua viagem com histórias intrigantes e percepções arquitetônicas da cidade.
  • Evite a fila da bilheteria no píer e encontre um oficial da marinha, que ajudará você a embarcar, fornecerá um mapa do Bósforo e ajudará a baixar o audioguia.


  • Cruzeiro de 90 minutos pelo Bósforo
  • Audioguia em 10 idiomas (com base na opção selecionada)
  • Conheça e cumprimente um oficial da marinha
  • Plano/mapa do cruzeiro pelo Bósforo

Não inclui

  • Alimentos e bebidas
  • Duração: 90 minutos
  • Ponto de partida e ponto de chegada: Píer de Kabatas
  • O que você verá: Torre Galata | Palácio Dolmabahçe | Palácio de Ciragan| Mesquita de Ortaköy | Ponte do Bósforo | Palácio de Beylerbeyi | Üsküdar | Torre da Donzela | Palácio de Topkapi | Santa Sofia | Villas à beira-mar
  • O audioguia opcional está disponível em 10 idiomas: Inglês, alemão, francês, russo, italiano, polonês, árabe, chinês, turco e outros.
  • Não se esqueça de levar seu próprio fone de ouvido para ouvir a audioguia durante o cruzeiro.
  • Faça o download do aplicativo de audioguia com antecedência para evitar problemas de conexão com a Internet durante o cruzeiro. O aplicativo funciona off-line após o download.
  • Clique em aqui para fazer o download do aplicativo de audioguia para seu smartphone.
  • Estes ingressos não podem ser cancelados. No entanto, eles são válidos por um período estendido.
  • Estes ingressos são válidos por uma duração estendida. Os detalhes exatos serão informados no ingresso.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise with views of Istanbul skyline and bridge, 2.5-hour sightseeing tour.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise with views of Istanbul skyline and bridge, 2.5-hour sightseeing tour.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise with views of Istanbul skyline and bridge, 2.5-hour sightseeing tour.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in the background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with drinks and canapes, Istanbul skyline in background.
Bosphorus yacht cruise at sunset with guests enjoying drinks and canapés, Istanbul skyline in background.
4.5(4 153)

Cruzeiro de iate pelo Bósforo durante o dia ou ao pôr do sol com aperitivos

a partir de € 55
€ 35

36% de desconto

Cancelamento gratuito

Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.

Confirmação imediata
Ingressos eletrônicos
2 h - 2 h 30 min.
  • Navegue pelas águas do Estreito de Bósforo e prepare-se para algumas vistas fascinantes que você vai saborear.
  • Maravilhe-se com as vistas dos palácios, mansões e mesquitas à beira-mar, além do deslumbrante horizonte de Istambul.
  • Um guia turístico especializado fará comentários ao vivo ao longo do caminho, enquanto você contempla o opulento Palácio Dolmabahce.
  • Coma petiscos, biscoitos, baklava, frutas frescas da estação e tome uma bebida de sua escolha.
  • Navegue pelas águas do Estreito de Bósforo e prepare-se para algumas vistas fascinantes que você vai saborear.
  • Maravilhe-se com as vistas dos palácios, mansões e mesquitas à beira-mar, além do deslumbrante horizonte de Istambul.
  • Um guia turístico especializado fará comentários ao vivo ao longo do caminho, enquanto você contempla o opulento Palácio Dolmabahce.
  • Coma petiscos, biscoitos, baklava, frutas frescas da estação e tome uma bebida de sua escolha.


  • cruzeiro de 2 horas pelo Bósforo durante o dia/pôr do sol (com base na opção selecionada)
  • aluguel de iate particular por 2 horas para até 10 pessoas (com base na opção selecionada)
  • Comentários ao vivo
  • Lanches de cortesia
  • Refrigerantes, chá, garrafa de água e café
  • Dica: O melhor período para um cruzeiro pelo Bósforo geralmente é entre abril e setembro, variando de acordo com o tipo de cruzeiro que você preferir.
  • Esta experiência é acessível para carrinhos de bebê.
  • Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.
Luxury private yacht cruising on the Bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus luxury private yacht cruising near Istanbul's iconic skyline.
Luxury Private Yacht inside
Private yacht cruising near Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul, showcasing waterfront views.
Ciragan Palace
Private yacht cruising past Rumeli Fortress on the Bosphorus in Istanbul.
Ortakoy Mosque and Bosphorus Bridge viewed from a luxury private yacht in Istanbul.
Luxury private yacht cruising on the Bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus luxury private yacht cruising near Istanbul's iconic skyline.
Luxury Private Yacht inside
Private yacht cruising near Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul, showcasing waterfront views.
Ciragan Palace
Private yacht cruising past Rumeli Fortress on the Bosphorus in Istanbul.
Ortakoy Mosque and Bosphorus Bridge viewed from a luxury private yacht in Istanbul.
Luxury private yacht cruising on the Bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey.
Bosphorus luxury private yacht cruising near Istanbul's iconic skyline.
Luxury Private Yacht inside
Private yacht cruising near Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul, showcasing waterfront views.
Ciragan Palace
Private yacht cruising past Rumeli Fortress on the Bosphorus in Istanbul.
Ortakoy Mosque and Bosphorus Bridge viewed from a luxury private yacht in Istanbul.

Cruzeiro privativo em iate de luxo pelo Bósforo com jantar, bebidas e traslados

a partir de
€ 380
Cancelamento gratuito

Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.

Confirmação imediata
Ingressos eletrônicos
Duração flexível
Inclui translado
Traslado do hotel
  • Experimente um luxuoso aluguel de iate particular de 2 horas no Bósforo, em Istambul, para até 10 pessoas, com um preço fixo, independentemente do tamanho do grupo.
  • Aprimore sua experiência adicionando traslados de ida e volta a partir do hotel em um Mercedes Vito ou uma deliciosa refeição a bordo.
  • Desfrute de refrigerantes e lanches de cortesia enquanto você navega pela pitoresca Mesquita de Ortakoy e pela ponte transcontinental do Bósforo. Faça um upgrade para incluir bebidas alcoólicas.
  • Sente-se e relaxe no lounge com assentos ou aplique seu protetor solar para tomar sol no convés aberto.
  • Você conhecerá a impressionante arquitetura do Palácio Dolmabahce, que reflete a opulência do Império Otomano, e a Fortaleza Rumeli, do século XV, com imponentes muralhas, torres e ameias.
  • Experimente um luxuoso aluguel de iate particular de 2 horas no Bósforo, em Istambul, para até 10 pessoas, com um preço fixo, independentemente do tamanho do grupo.
  • Aprimore sua experiência adicionando traslados de ida e volta a partir do hotel em um Mercedes Vito ou uma deliciosa refeição a bordo.
  • Desfrute de refrigerantes e lanches de cortesia enquanto você navega pela pitoresca Mesquita de Ortakoy e pela ponte transcontinental do Bósforo. Faça um upgrade para incluir bebidas alcoólicas.
  • Sente-se e relaxe no lounge com assentos ou aplique seu protetor solar para tomar sol no convés aberto.
  • Você conhecerá a impressionante arquitetura do Palácio Dolmabahce, que reflete a opulência do Império Otomano, e a Fortaleza Rumeli, do século XV, com imponentes muralhas, torres e ameias.


  • aluguel de iate de luxo privado por 2 horas para até 10 pessoas
  • Traslados de ida e volta a partir do hotel em um veículo de luxo (opcional)
  • Bebidas e lanches de cortesia
  • Café da manhã, almoço ou jantar (opcional)
  • Bebidas alcoólicas (opcional)
  • Dica: programe seu cruzeiro para coincidir com o pôr do sol para ver o sol mergulhar no horizonte, lançando tons quentes sobre o Bósforo.
  • As bebidas e lanches de cortesia incluem refrigerantes, chá, café, biscoitos, batatas fritas, nozes e frutas.
  • Serviços: wi-fi, acessibilidade para carrinhos de bebê.
  • Animais de estimação e cães-guia são permitidos a bordo.
  • Leve protetor solar, óculos de sol e chapéu.
  • Se o iate principal estiver ocupado, você receberá a oferta de outro iate da mesma qualidade.
  • Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.

Embark on a captivating journey through Istanbul’s iconic Bosphorus Strait with an unforgettable Bosphorus sunset cruise. Experience the enchanting beauty of the city as the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow over its historic landmarks. Marvel at stunning panoramic views, enjoy leisurely sightseeing, and indulge in luxury amenities on board. Read on to learn more about Bosphorus sunset cruises.

Navigate your Bosphorus sunset cruise guide

  1. Why go on a Bosphorus sunset cruise?
  2. Things to know before booking your Bosphorus sunset cruise tickets
  3. Your Bosphorus sunset cruise options
  4. Top sights to see on your Bosphorus sunset cruise
  5. Plan your Bosphorus sunset cruise experience
  6. Other types of Bosphorus cruises
  7. Frequently asked questions about Bosphorus boat tours & sightseeing cruises

Things to know before booking your Bosphorus sunset cruise tickets 

  • If you want to experience Istanbul by sunset: Opt for one of the sunset sightseeing cruises. You can choose between traditional a sightseeing boat or a yacht, and learn about the landmarks you see with live commentary or an audio guide in multiple languages.
  • If you’re looking for a luxury cruise experience: Take one of the luxury yacht cruises. You can go for either a private luxury yacht or a guided yacht tour, and also enjoy complimentary refreshments.
  • Flexibility: Some cruises offer customizable itineraries, allowing you to tailor the experience to your preferences.
  • Group size: Before booking your Bosphorus sunset cruise, consider whether you prefer a more intimate setting with a private yacht or a shared experience on a sightseeing boat.

Your Bosphorus sunset cruise options

Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise

Sunset sightseeing cruises

Daytime or Sunset Bosphorus Sightseeing Cruise in Istanbul

  • Embark on a captivating journey with a 90-minute Bosphorus sunset cruise. Look at Istanbul’s iconic landmarks as you sail along the Bosphorus Strait and learn about their history with an informative app-based audio guide available in 10 languages.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours

Bosphorus Luxury Yacht Daytime or Sunset Cruise

  • Experience an unforgettable sunset in luxury aboard a private yacht with this 2.5 hour cruise. Learn about the rich history of Istanbul and the Bosphorus Strait with live commentary onboard from an expert guide.
  • Duration: 2.5 hours
Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise

Luxury evening sunset cruises

2-Hour Bosphorus Luxury Private Yacht Rental in Istanbul

  • Rent a private luxury yacht for an exclusive evening on this panoramic 2-hour Bosphorus cruise. Savour complimentary snacks and beverages, or upgrade your tickets to enjoy a delicious meal onboard luxury or enjoy luxury transfers to and from your hotel.
  • Duration: 2 hours

Bosphorus & Golden Horn Sunset Yacht Cruise with English-Speaking Guide

  • Gain a unique insight into Istanbul, its heritage, and its historic landmarks on this sunset yacht cruise of the Bosphorus Strait and the Golden Horn. Enjoy a selection of Turkish snacks and beverages accompanied by intriguing tales and information shared by an expert guide.
  • Duration: 2 hours

Bosphorus sunset cruise map

Bosphorus Cruise map

Plan your Bosphorus sunset cruise experience

Best time to take a cruise
Getting there
Visitor tips
Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise
  • Daytime or Sunset Bosphorus Sightseeing Cruise in Istanbul: 10:30am, 11am, 12.45pm, 1pm, 1.45pm, 2.45pm, 4pm
  • Bosphorus Luxury Yacht Daytime or Sunset Cruise: 4:45pm
  • 2-Hour Bosphorus Luxury Private Yacht Rental in Istanbul: 3:00pm, 5:00pm
  • Bosphorus & Golden Horn Sunset Yacht Cruise with English-Speaking Guide: 4:30pm
Istanbul Bosphorus sunset cruises

High season vs low season

  • Spring (April & May) & Autumn (September to November): The off-peak season in Istanbul is during spring and autumn. The weather during these months is mild, with temperatures ranging between 12°C and 25°C. There are also fewer tourists, making it the ideal time to take a Bosphorus sunset cruise.
  • Summer (June to August): The peak tourist season offers clear skies and sunny weather. However, the weather is much warmer during these months, there are larger tourist crowds, and prices are typically higher.

Weekends vs weekdays

  • The best time to take a sunset cruise is on weekdays. This allows you to avoid the weekend crowds and have a tranquil cruise experience.
Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise
Daytime or Sunset Bosphorus Sightseeing Cruise in Istanbul

Boarding point: Dentur Avrasya Kabataş

  • By tram: Take tram T1 to Kabataş Tramvay istasyonu tram station.
  • By bus: Take bus 22, 22B, 26, 26A, 26B, 27E, 27SE, 28, 28T, 29C, 29D, 30D, 40T, or others to Kabataş bus stop.
  • By metro (underground funicular): Take the F1 line of the metro’s underground funicular route to Kabataş inclined railway station.
2-Hour Bosphorus Luxury Private Yacht Rental in Istanbul

Boarding point: Bosphorus Yachts, Beşiktaş

  • By bus: Take bus lines 22, 22RE, 29D, 40, or 40T to Boğaziçi Üniversitesi bus stop.
  • By metro (underground funicular): Take the F4 line of the metro’s underground funicular route to Aşıyan inclined railway station.
Bosphorus Luxury Yacht Daytime or Sunset Cruise

Boarding point: Kabataş (Ş.Hatları)

  • By tram: Take tram T1 to Kabataş Tramvay istasyonu tram station.
  • By bus: Take bus lines 22, 22B, or 26. The closest bus stop is Kabataş (Ş.Hatları).
Bosphorus and Golden Horn Cruise from the Old City of Istanbul

Boarding point: Dentur Avrasya Kabataş

  • By tram: Take tram T1 to Kabataş Tramvay istasyonu tram station.
  • By bus: Take bus 22, 22B, 26, 26A, 26B, 27E, 27SE, 28, 28T, 29C, 29D, 30D, 40T, or others to Kabataş bus stop.
  • By metro (underground funicular): Take the F1 line of the metro’s underground funicular route to Kabataş inclined railway station.
Bosphorus sunset cruises
Daytime or Sunset Bosphorus Sightseeing Cruise in Istanbul
  • Informative audio guides are available in multiple languages.
  • Refreshments on board.
  • Optional hotel pickup and drop-off.
Bosphorus Luxury Yacht Daytime or Sunset Cruise
  • Exclusive access to a luxury yacht.
  • Refreshments and snacks are provided.
  • Personalized service from onboard staff.
2-Hour Bosphorus Luxury Private Yacht Rental in Istanbul
  • Private rental of a luxury yacht for 2 hours.
  • Professional crew members to assist throughout the cruise.
  • Customizable itinerary according to preferences.
  • Refreshments and snacks are available on board.
Bosphorus and Golden Horn Cruise from the Old City of Istanbul
  • Guided tour by an English-speaking expert.
  • Complimentary refreshments are served onboard.
  • Insightful commentary on Istanbul's maritime history.
Bosphorus sunset cruises
  • Comfortable seating: Plush seating arrangements for a relaxing and enjoyable cruise experience.
  • Covered and open deck areas: Choice of covered and open deck areas to suit your preference for sun or shade.
  • Restrooms: Access clean and well-maintained onboard restrooms for convenience during the cruise.
  • Bar: Enjoy a selection of beverages from the onboard bar while taking in the views.
  • WiFi access: Stay connected with complimentary WiFi available onboard for your convenience.
  • Safety equipment: Ensure peace of mind with the presence of essential safety equipment onboard.
Bosphorus sunset cruises
  • Dress in layers: Wear layers or bring a light jacket to accommodate changing temperatures, especially during sunset cruises.
  • Arrive early: Arrive at the boarding point early to secure the best seats and avoid rushing.
  • Charge devices: Ensure your devices are fully charged and download the audio guide app before boarding the cruise.
  • Capture memories: Don’t forget your camera or smartphone to capture breathtaking views during the sunset on the cruise.
  • Respect local customs: Respect local customs and guidelines while on board and at docking points.
  • Stay hydrated: Carry water to stay hydrated, especially during warmer months.

Frequently asked questions about Bosphorus sunset cruises

What is a Bosphorus sunset cruise?

A Bosphorus sunset cruise is a leisurely boat journey along the Bosphorus Strait in the evening, offering panoramic views of Istanbul’s skyline illuminated by the setting sun.

Where can I book Bosphorus sunset cruise tickets?

You can book your Bosphorus sunset cruise tickets online.

How much does a Bosphorus sunset cruise cost?

Bosphorus sunset cruise ticket prices start from €12 and vary depending on the type of cruise, duration, and inclusions you choose.

Is it necessary to book Bosphorus sunset cruise tickets in advance?

It’s recommended to book Bosphorus sunset cruise tickets online in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure your preferred date and time as per your itinerary.

What types of Bosphorus sunset cruises are there?

White opting for a Bosphorus sunset cruise or an evening cruise, you can choose between sightseeing cruises, luxury yacht tours, private yacht rentals, and guided sunset cruises.

How long does a Bosphorus sunset cruise last?

A Bosphorus sunset cruise typically lasts between one and a half to 3 hours, depending on the chosen tour package and itinerary.

What is included in a typical Bosphorus sunset cruise?

Inclusions may vary but a Bosphorus sunset cruise typically offers guided commentary, refreshments, and access to onboard amenities such as restrooms and seating areas.

What are the main attractions seen during the Bosphorus sunset cruises?

During a Bosphorus sunset cruise, you will see the Bosphorus Bridge, Topkapi Palace, Dolmabahce Palace, Maiden’s Tower, and some historic forts among other historic attractions along the shoreline.

Do Bosphorus sunset cruises operate year-round?

Yes, most Bosphorus sunset cruises operate year-round, offering unique experiences in every season.

Are Bosphorus sunset cruises wheelchair accessible?

Accessibility on a Bosphorus sunset cruise may vary depending on the cruise provider, but many offer wheelchair-accessible options upon request.

Are children allowed on Bosphorus sunset cruises?

Yes, children are generally allowed on Bosphorus sunset cruises, and some tours offer special rates for children.

Can I bring my pet on board a Bosphorus sunset cruise?

Pets may not be allowed on all Bosphorus sunset cruises. However, some cruises do allow pets and service dogs.